Monday, May 6, 2013

Vigil Held for Soccer Referee that Died After Hit to Head

The family of soccer referee Ricardo Portillo held a vigil Sunday night where they called upon athletes everywhere to hold their tempers.

The deceased ref called a foul on a 17-year-old player more than a week ago during a game.

The player punched Portillo in the face, who later fell into a coma, then died Saturday.

Portillo’s oldest daughter says she’ll forgive the player that punched her father in the head, but not yet.

“I will, but not today; it’s too soon.” ~Johana Portillo

The player has been put in a juvenile facility on suspicion of aggravated assault and might have additional charges brought against him due to Portillo's death. 

No cause of death has been released at this time.

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