Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mystery: Amelia Earhart Plane May Be Visible

A sonar image that shows a 22-foot long object about 600 feet below the Pacific Ocean may be the remains of the Amelia Earhart’s plane.

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery took the photo on July 15, 2012 during an expedition.

Executive director Richard Gillespie for TIGHAR says that it was someone online who noticed the object in the image posted.

Earhart and her aviator, Fred Noonan, went missing on July 2, 1937 near an island in the western Pacific Ocean.

Gillespie gave more details on Amelia’s disappearance:

She landed the plane safely on a reef off Nikularoro Island. The wreckage washed into the ocean with the high tide and broke up in the surf. There is archaeological evidence on that island that we believe indicates that Earhart was marooned there until her death several days later.

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