Monday, May 13, 2013

United Nations: Eating Insects is Underutilized

The U.N. says that eating insects could aid the battle against world hunger and improve worldwide health.

The U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released findings on Monday that show at least two billion people utilize insects as food in places like Africa and Asia.

The organization also says that insects such as grasshoppers are "underutilized" as food and livestock.

Director of FAO Forest Economic Police and Products Division Eva Muller said:

Insects are just one resource provided by forests, and insects are pretty much untapped for their potential for food, and especially for feed.

Entomophagy, or the eating of insects, has dietary benefits such as being high in protein as well as minerals like iron and magnesium.

CBS Article

USA Today Article

BBC Article

FAO Article

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