Saturday, November 17, 2012

Train/Bus Collision in Egypt Kills 50 Children and Driver

There were fifty children and their driver aboard a bus near Manfalut, Egypt that were killed when a train collided with them Saturday.

The children were ages four to six and were headed to their school when the train hit the bus.

 The Huffington Post reported that a security official said the railroad crossing was apparently not closed as the train barreled towards it.

An eyewitness told the BBC that the train pushed the bus half a mile after impact.

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has called for action by his ministers to aid the families of those killed in the accident.

Mohammed Rashad al-Metainy is the minister of transportation in Egypt.

He has since stepped down from his position in an act that he calls “political responsibility” in response to the crash.

BBC Article

CNN Article

USA Today Article

Huffington Post Article

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