Thursday, November 15, 2012

BP Agrees to Pay $4 Billion in Damages for Gulf Spill

BP has pleaded guilty to charges and will pay four billion dollars.

The British oil giant pleaded guilty to multiple charges including manslaughter on Thursday.

The top officers who were on the oilrig were charged with manslaughter due to negligence of giving tests to insure the drilling was safe

BP will pay the 4 billion dollars over the course of five years in a settlement made with the Department of Justice.

An additional 525 million dollars will be paid over three years to the Security and Exchange Commission as a civil penalty.

The New York Times reported that other claims including damages of natural resources are also to be paid by BP.

This settlement comes after the events of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that happened in 2010.

New York Times Article

Washington Post Article

CNN Article

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