Saturday, November 3, 2012

Introduction to [Project] Objectivity

         Objective. For a News Broadcaster, it is the state in which one is neutral about an event or occurrence and refrains from inputting opinion or biased information.  Is it possible for viewers of the news to be objective if they receive their news from one source? In addition, when broadcasters give their opinion of the news that was gathered, is it truly news? Whether we  (news broadcasters) want to believe it or not, people look to us to bring them the news and they expect us to do so without sensationalizing it. From the other end of the spectrum, some people prefer the grittier, more intense news because it's what peaks their interest.
         There are those who solely rely on NBC for their news, or solely on the BBC. As a reporter, it is my job to present the news to you. I feel that I have a moral obligation to give the news as fairly as possible and not to favor one source over the other. I have started this blog in an attempt to be objective and hone my researching and reporting skills. The posts you will read will not be from one source, but rather from different ones. For example, one post may be from NBC but the next could be from TheGuardian or Associated Press. As for the format, I will be writing in what is referred to as Broadcast News style in order to work on my scripting.

If I am to be a reporter, I must learn to disassociate myself from feelings and opinions. I must learn to research and be able to present both sides of any controversial issue. I must learn to be Objective.

[For anyone who wants to use one of my posts on the air word-for-word, I ask that you simply request to use the post should you find yourselves in need to do so. I want some form of notice that my work will be used.]

1 comment:

  1. This is needed. Objective is what news reporters should be in order to be believed and respected. A quality absent in much of what we call "news" today.
