Monday, January 28, 2013

Tech News: The Blackberry 10

With only two more days before Research in Motion Limited (RIM) unveils the Blackberry 10 some still wonder if the device can compete with current phones.

RIM has said that they have partnered with several music and video companies for their  Blackberry 10 including Sony Pictures and Warner Group music.

In addition to the catalogs of music and video, RIM has said that it's Blackberry World Store will have movies available when they hit DVD and next-day TV series episodes.

RIM has also said that the company intends to have lower prices in the World Store that will prove competitive with other app stores.

This new Blackberry has been delayed within the last year but has done so because RIM has developed a completely new mobile OS for the phone.

RIM is to unveil the Blackberry in New York and will show a variety of phones, including one with a keyboard and one that is completely touchscreen.

CNN Article

Yahoo Article

CNET Article

TechCrunch Article

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