Sunday, January 13, 2013

France Bombs Northern Mali/ Hundreds of Thousands Protest Same-Sex Marriage in Paris

French fighter jets bombed the Malian capitol city of Gao on Sunday as an ongoing operation to end the control of that area by the Islamists.

CBS reports that the French Foreign minister said on Sunday that the U.S. would be aiding France with communications and transport during this operation.

The operation deemed “Operation Serval” has seen more than 500 soldiers deployed by France into Mali

British Prime Minister David Cameron has also come forward and has offered France air support for troop transport.

Also in France, there was a display of more than 300,000 people on Sunday to protest a plan by French President Francois Hollande.

People gathered near the Eiffel Tower to protest this plan that would allow same-sex couples to marry.

Should the plan be approved, France will be the 12th country to legalize same-sex marriage.

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