Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bulgarian Politician’s Life Threatened/ Acid Attack on Russian Ballet Director

Movement for Rights leader Ahmed Dogan was on stage giving a speech on Saturday when a gas pistol was pointed to his head.

The Associated Press reports that 25-year-old Oktai Emimehmedov, an ethnic Turk, held the gun.

Emimehmedov was taken down and beaten before he was able to fire a shot and was later arrested and taken to a hospital.

This link brings up the CBS video that shows the events mentioned above, including Emimehmedov’s takedown.

Also in world news, acid was thrown into the face of Russian Bolshoi Ballet director Sergei Filin on Thursday.

Filin was on his way home when a masked person approached him and threw the acid.

CNN report that the acid burns could take six months for Filin to recover, and could blind him.

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