Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pennsylvania Governor Plans to Sue NCAA/ North Korea Speech Calls for Peace

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett made a statement Tuesday saying he plans to sue the NCAA.

The lawsuit would be in regards to sanctions given to Penn State University by the NCAA in July after the sex-abuse scandal involving Jerry Sandusky.

The sanctions included a $60 million dollar fine, a four-year bowl game ban for the Penn State football program, and reduced football scholarships.

Also in news, North Korea leader Kim Jong Un made a New Year’s speech that calls for unification amongst his people.

The speech spoke of trying to garner peace among those who are friendly with Korea as well as domestic stability.

This speech also comes after the successful launch of the North Korean rocket in December and leaves some analysts unsure of Mr. Kim’s future plans.

Wall Street Journal Article

ABC Article

CNN Article

ABC Article (PA. Gov Sue NCAA)

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