Thursday, April 11, 2013

New York Woman Accused of Faking Cancer, Pleads Not Guilty
Brittany Ozarowski, 21

A New York woman that allegedly faked having cancer in order to receive donations for a drug addiction pleaded not guilty on Thursday to several charges.

Brittany Ozarowski was charged with 24 indictments, including forgery, grand larceny, and scheme to fraud.

Ozarowski  is reported to have received more than $100,000 in this alleged scam and claimed she had ovarian, bone, brain, and stomach cancer.

The website was set up in order to receive donations for Ozarowski, but the site has since been taken down. 

ABC reports that "Ozarowski's father cashed in his 401(k), and her grandmother sold a home in Selden, N.Y., to pay for treatments."

Bond for Ozarowski has been set at $150,000.

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