Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chicago to Pay $55,000 for Stun Gun Use on Pregnant Woman

The city of Chicago agreed to make a settlement of $55,000 to a pregnant woman that was subdued with a stun gun in June last year.

A dispute regarding a parking ticket led to Tiffany Rent being stunned in front of her children outside of a Walgreens.

Rent was parked in a handicapped parking space while her fiancé went into the store.

She then got out of the vehicle to adjust the seat of one of her children, when a police officer wrote her the ticket.

The officer said that Rent tore up the ticket and refused to give him identification and then tried to drive away.

It was at this moment that the stun gun was used.

A spokesman for Chicago’s Law Department said the settlement was not "an admission of wrongdoing by the city or any officers involved."

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