Saturday, February 9, 2013

LAPD Open Fire on Two Women; Lawyer: No Warning Given

The lawyer representing the two women who were shot by the LAPD on Thursday during the manhunt for Christopher Dorner says that the women did not receive a warning.

Glen Jonas, their lawyer, said in a statement:  "No command, no instruction, no warning. They just opened fire on them."

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said that this situation “was a case of mistaken identity” in response to the police mistaking the truck for Dorner's vehicle.

The LAPD told NBC that six of the officers involved in the open fire have been placed on administrative leave.

Emma Hernandez, 71, and her daughter Margie Carranza, 47, were delivering newspapers in their truck when police opened fire.

Hernandez is recovering in Los Angeles hospital after being shot in the back, and Carranza has suffered minor injuries to her hand.

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